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Word Rodeo

Word Rodeo is a new word puzzle game with the development of a word puzzle generator. Players can create a secret puzzle of five letters to challenge other players. The gameplay of Word Rodeo is similar to Wordle in that it involves finding a keyword every day.

How to play Word Rodeo:

The game will start with a secret word box where you can fill in any random keyword you want, then share it on social networking sites or messages with your friends to challenge them to solve the puzzle.

Click "Play random word!" to join the game's mystery word puzzle today. The basic rules are the same as when playing Wordle; players have a maximum of six attempts to guess a 5-letter word. The correct word or character will be colored green or yellow to mark the close word, and the letter in gray is incorrect with the answer.
Starting with a word with many vowels in the English dictionary will give you many advantages.